ASTERISM, the Japanese rock trio hailing from Fukuoka, has been making waves worldwide with their youth-infused, high-energy instrumentals and extraordinary technical prowess. Formed in...
Manan Mehta, a multifaceted artist based out of Jaipur, is a pianist, singer-songwriter, and composer. His music reflecting a fusion of jazz, folk and...
A 22-year old singer/songwriter based in Gurgaon, Aadya Jaswal writes soft yet haunting melodies on her musings. Her indie folk/acoustic pop compositions explore everyday...
A singer-songwriter from Kolkata, Aamir Rizvi has been one of Kolkata’s modern songwriters. He has released 10 original songs on all streaming platforms including his...
Wolf.cryman is the stage moniker of Harshit Wadhwani, a Rap-Pop artist emerging from Jaipur. He has been releasing music since early January, however, his...
Kinari, earlier known as Finsta, is a Delhi-based queer rapper. Her artistry boasts of being unapologetically authentic and a quite unseen nonchalant nature while...
A Progressive Carnatic fusion band from Bangalore, Project Mishram uses a sharp blend of western genres ranging from Modern Progressive Metal, Djent, all the...