ASTERISM, the Japanese rock trio hailing from Fukuoka, has been making waves worldwide with their youth-infused, high-energy instrumentals and extraordinary technical prowess. Formed in...
Prakhar Saxena, commonly known as CBZ, is a musician, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, film composer and sound engineer based out of Mumbai. CBZ has been releasing...
22 year-old Somansh Sharma’s studio is an eclectic place — with walls adorned by a framed poster of JPEGMAFIA, eccentric art, a psychedelia inspired...
Meghan Katti describes himself as ‘a multifaceted creative force’ which is quite apt considering he is a renowned director, director of photography (DOP), editor,...
A singer-songwriter and pianist based in Bangalore, Tarang Joseph is originally from Kerala, but born in Malaysia and raised in California. Exposed to numerous...
Hailing from Kottayam, Kerala, ThirumaLi is Malayali rapper and songwriter who started making music in the early 20s. He started his professional solo career...