Renowned for his eclectic fusion of cinematic sounds, alternative rock, indie pop, and electronic music, Ashish Zachariah continues to redefine musical boundaries with his...
Nikhil D’Souza, the voice behind Bollywood hits “Mere Bina” and “Shaam,” has captivated audiences with his melodious, soft-yet-powerful vocals for over a decade. In...
Mizoram’s indie sensation Rnzx have released “Messy,” their sophomore album that masterfully blends traditional Mizo sounds with modern indie elements. Released on June 28,...
NIICK, a Vadodara-born rapper and producer, has made his mark on the Indian hip-hop scene with his distinctive combination of thought-provoking lyrics and catchy...
New Delhi-based singer-songwriter Vasu Raina seamlessly blends folk, soul, and contemporary elements in his captivating compositions. His music transcends genres and languages, delving into...
Tiger Baby Records, the record label founded by popular musician Ankur Tewari along with filmmaker Zoya Akhtar and producer Reema Kagti, has released Dance...
Unveiling their latest indie single ‘Thee Chirakukal,’ the experimental folk-rock ensemble Gowwli is setting a unique narrative. This Auroville-based band is a mix of...
New Delhi’s own musical sensation, Green Park, showcase their unique spin on indie music, skillfully intertwining old melodies with contemporary artistry. The band’s latest...